Laravel 8 has released with a bang! and with it , brought sweeping changes. One such remarkable yet controversial change is Laravel Jetstream. Laravel Jetstream is a beautifully designed application scaffolding and comes with two stacks for Authentication system -

  1. Tailwind CSS + Livewire

  2. Tailwind CSS + Inertia.js

Now, these two stacks are great, beautiful but very different from Bootstrap/jQuery based stack which developers are used to. So, there is a learning curve for developers if they want to use Laravel’s Auth scaffolding which is sad because Laravel does not comes with Bootstrap based Auth scaffolding anymore.

But, that’s the beauty of Open Source world. Anyone can modify these systems to their liking or build new plugins or integrations.

Today, we will learn how we can still use Bootstrap based Auth Scaffolding for new Laravel 8 app. We will be using our favourite Laravel/UI package to bring back old Bootstrap based Auth Scaffolding.

#laravel #bootstrap #tailwindcss #web-development #security

Laravel 8 Authentication using Bootstrap 4 instead of Tailwind
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