I have taken multiple mock interviews for my friends to prepare them for their dream job and improve their coding skills.

When we were in schools, we gave exams and were graded based on our skills - which was good in the sense we knew our shortcomings and strong suit.
With interviews, your exam is your real dream job interview, and when you fail there, its tough for most people to stop focussing on the failure and rather take that as a learning moment and introspect.

In this Mock Interview series, you would see -

  1. How I would behave in a Coding Interview
  2. How I would communicate
  3. How I would think out loud
  4. How I would write and refactor the code
  5. How I would analyse the space/time complexity.

#code #interview

 Mock Coding Interview || Interview Prep for Beginners || Stay Home, Code With Me || Easy
1.25 GEEK