Google  Cloud Run  makes deploying serverless containers a breeze. It has a fully managed serverless version, which gives  software scalability , high availability, and cost based on precise usage. Being serverless, there are no servers for you to manage. In addition to these awesome reasons, this post discusses 5 more compelling reasons to use serverless containers on Google Cloud Run for your next project.

Serverless pain points

Function as a service (FAAS) has lots of advantages, still, there are some pain points too. A developer advocate at Google Cloud did a survey about Serverless pain points. Below is a summary of the results as presented at a conference in 2019.

Reasons to use serverless containers

As Cloud run is serverless you already have the advantages of a Serverless offering. In my opinion, the following are some more compelling reasons to use serverless containers on Google Cloud Run:

1. No need to learn a new framework/paradigm

2. Serverless containers can run any language/binary/framework

3. HTTPs URL + custom domain mapping

4. Google cloud toolset at your disposal

5. Decreased go-to-market lead time


5 Compelling Reasons to Opt for Serverless Containers on Google Cloud Run
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