
MaterialUI is a set of React Components that Implement the Google’s Material Design Guidelines. There are 2 projects that you can look at to get started. They can be found in the examples folder. These projects are basic examples that show how to consume material-ui components in your own project. The first project uses browserify for module bundling and gulp for JS task automation, while the second project uses webpack for module bundling and building. You can include Material-UI in your project by simply running npm install material-ui from your project’s directory, and then using the components of Material-UI that you need.

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React Boostrap

React Bootstrap is the rebuilt for React of the most popular front-end framework. React-Bootstrap is a library of reusable front-end components. You’ll get the look-and-feel of Twitter Bootstrap, but with much cleaner code, via Facebook’s React.js framework. The React-Bootstrap component library tries to follow the React.js philosophy that a single piece of functionality should be defined in a single place. View the current React-Bootstrap library on the components page.

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#framework #react

Top 5: Best UI Framework React Libraries
1.65 GEEK