HTML and CSS are straight forward if understood simply. These cheatsheets will make your life easy for learning and for reference.

I have created 100s of websites in my career, most of them were created when I was working for an agency. They had a lot of small business clients and I would crank out simple HTML and CSS based websites for them. There I perfected my HTML and CSS chops and got very comfortable with putting together website designs.

Fortunately designing websites is simple once you have a good foundation. And once you have a little practice, you can easily design websites as large as Wikipedia or Forbes. All websites have layout and styling, and the same HTML and CSS fundamentals are used to create websites big and small.

I have put together two structured cheatsheets, one for HTML and the other for CSS, to give you the fundamentals of HTML and CSS.

They are easy to understand and Free for you to download and keep.

HTML Cheatsheet

This HTML Cheatsheet covers the basic terminologies, syntax/markup, and common elements of HTML.

Note: This is NOT an exhaustive list of all the elements HTML has. For an awesome HTML Reference, click here.

HTML Cheatsheet

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CSS Cheatsheet

CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets. Simply said, CSS is a list of instructions that style/beautify the HTML elements.

CSS is like makeup, for HTML. Really!

If you understand the foundation of CSS correctly and capture the basic (1) Syntax, (2) Application, (3) Selectors, and (4) common CSS properties, your life as a web professional will be much more fun.

This CSS Cheatsheet will help you with that:

CSS Cheatsheet

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HTML & CSS Cheatsheet (PDF included)
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