When you work with code every day, you start to notice things that can be done faster or make your code cleaner. It’s one of the skills you develop over time as you get exposed to different projects. Keep in mind that some of the things that help you work more efficiently have nothing to do with your computer.

The things around you and how you keep your work area organized impact you. Do you ever get tired of moving things around or trying to find things? When you need to add features or refactor code to fix bugs, these few tips might help.

7 Tips For Becoming A Better JavaScript Developer

  • Set up your development environment
  • Take advantage of typing
  • Have a separate folder for helper files
  • Use packages
  • Include permission/role considerations early
  • Plan before you code
  • Write docs as you code

#javascript #programming #developer #web-development

7 Tips For Becoming A Better JavaScript Developer
1.80 GEEK