Welcome back to the second part of our recommender engine tutorial series. In the first part, you learned how to train a recommender model using a variant of collaborative filtering and neural network embeddings.

In this part, you’re going to create a simple book web application that displays a set of books and also recommends new books to any selected user. Below is the end-goal of this tutorial:

Image for post

Book Recommender Web app

Link to Source Code

Table of Contents

  • Introducing the App Architecture
  • Initializing the App and Creating Code Directories
  • Converting the Saved Model to JavaScript Format
  • Creating the Entry Point and Routes
  • Loading the Saved Model and Making Recommendations
  • Creating the UI and Displaying Recommendations
  • Testing the Application

Build, Train and Deploy a Book Recommender System using Keras and TensorFlow.js, - Part 1

#keras #tensorflow

Build, Train and Deploy a Book Recommender System using Keras and TensorFlow.js, - Part 2
6.55 GEEK