
In one of my previous articles, I mentioned how SPM (Swift Package Manager) changed the way I build and maintain my Code. I praised the deep integration Xcode 11 has with Swift Packages and how easy it is to create a tremendous modular Code.

But this “heaven” is not perfect; one thing was missing — The ability to add files to a Swift Package other than Code. You cannot add images, data files, or even a storyboard.

Fortunately, Apple made some changes in Swift 5.3 and Xcode 12.

Wait. Swift Package…remind me?

Swift Package is a reusable component of Swift, Obj-c, or C++ library that you can easily create and share among your projects. You can have it locally or fetch it from a dedicated git repository. Not only Swift Package can help you reuse your code, it also makes your project more modular and can help you manage your tests much better.

#swift-programming #xcode #swift

Resources are Coming to Swift Packages
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