Hello everyone! I have been seeing this new hype coming up here in the JavaScript world… and it’s the new runtime for servers “Deno”.

So would like to take this opportunity to give my views on the same. So what is Deno? If you go it’s official website you will see it has been described as “Deno is a secure runtime for JavaScript and Typescript” just like what Node.js is used and is created by the same person who created Node.js, Ryan Dahl. He created Deno to fix some of the flaws what Node.js had.

Now “Deno” is was basically just an anagram for node.JS and indeed they know as we can see here on their official page download that Deno is a secure runtime for JavaScript and Typescript if we have a look at nodejs.org we see that’s not too far away from what we find their node.JS is a JavaScript runtime built on chrome’s V8 JavaScript engine and indeed there now in the end is a new JavaScript runtime developed by the inventor of node.JS

Now you’ll find a couple of points by Ryan himself which you can find on YouTube where he basically announces Deno and shares his thoughts about why he had the feeling that there was a need for Deno and why we need a replacement for node.JS but not replacement in the sense of you should replace node.JS with it, but instead you could look into Deno because it might be able to do the same thing in a better way however that’s a big huge disclaimer here- At this point Deno is in very, very early stages where presumably we are only a few days into version 1.0 being released though 1.0 will not be the final destination the end of Deno where everything is finished, instead it’s just the first a bit more final version of it you could say now.

Although the source repository is quite popular as it managed to collect quite a few GitHub stars (if you take this as a matter for popularity).

One thing worth noting and keeping in mind that node.JS is getting used by a lot of huge companies out there that there are tons of projects and websites and package is built with node.JS and that’s quite a mature and developed runtime so it’s not brand new and full of bugs instead this is production ready and getting used a lot. And let me make this very clear node.JS is not going to go anywhere but of course you don’t have to take this from me you can take it from Ryan himself:

#deno #node #javascript #typescript #web-development

Deno vs Node.js — Is this the future of Node.js?
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