Octowitter: A Vue.js Twitter Client with a Twist


Simply local post app

Click me for live demo.


📔 About

You can think of Octowitter as the wall of your profile to take notes, similar to a social media platform.

📜 Features

  • Simple Interface
  • Local Storage Save
  • Add Post Func.
  • Delete Func.
  • Update Func.
  • Like / Dislike Func.

💻 Used anims - icons -->

#️⃣ Commands for Local Machine

Run on Local Machine

git clone https://github.com/boranbatuhan/octowitter.git    // Clone the repository.
cd octowitter                                               // Change directory.
npm install                                                 // Install dependencies.
npm run dev                                                 // Run development mode.
npm run build                                               // Build the project.

Download details:

Author: boranbatuhan
Source: https://github.com/boranbatuhan/octowitter

#vue #vuejs 

Octowitter: A Vue.js Twitter Client with a Twist
1.05 GEEK