Git: Version control system to track changes in your projects.
It is also used to push and pull changes from remote repositories like GitHub, GitLab, BitBucket, etc.

GitLab, GitHub, BitBucket: Services that allow to host your project as a remote repository and serve as repository managers that also have additional features to help SDLC(Software Development Life Cycle) and CI(Continuous Integration), CD(Continuous Deployment).


Image for post

Workspace ↔ Staging ↔ Local Repository ↔ Remote Repository

1. git — version

Display version of git. Also used to check whether git is installed or not.

2. git config

### Set
git config --global "Harsh Singhal"
git config --global ""
### Check
git config --global
git config --global

3. git init

Convert an existing unversioned project(workspace) to git repository or to create a new empty git repository.

Executing this command creates a .git subdirectory, which contains all the metadata for the new repository. This metadata includes subdirectories for objects, refs, and template files. A HEAD file is also created which points to the currently checked out commit.

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Git — Most frequently used commands
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