In this tutorial, we’ll get started with Cats, which is one of the functional libraries of Scala.


This article is about Scala Cats. It is a library which provides abstraction for functional programming in the Scala programming language. The name is a playful shortening of the word category.

Cats is a lightweight, modular, and extensible library for functional programming.

Cats contains a wide variety of functional programming tools and allows developers to pick the required ones. The majority of these tools are delivered in the form of type classes that we can apply to existing Scala types.

What are Type Classes?

Type classes are a programming pattern originating in Haskell. They allow us to extend existing libraries with new functionality, without using traditional inheritance, and without altering the original library source code.

There are three important components to the type class pattern: the type class itself, instances for particular types, and the methods that use type classes.

What is a Type Class?

A type class is an interface or API that represents some functionality we want to implement. In Scala a type class is represented by a trait with at least one type parameter.

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Getting Started with Scala Cats
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