For eight years, Codemania has brought developers and technology enthusiasts together in Auckland. This year, 500 developers arrived to network, share ideas, and solve problems with an impressive speaker lineup that included developers, authors, and global tech leaders.

As the day unfolded, we learned how Apple appears to achieve the impossible with their short product development lifecycles. We dug into empowering teams with better software leadership, and why distributed programming languages are here to stay.

If you missed it this year, or if you attended and would like to get a lo-down for next year, here are the highlights.

Applying cultural intelligence to data

“Tech has a big role to play in preserving the sovereignty of languages. The key to machine learning is big data. But how do we license that data (AKA knowledge)? We want to make language ubiquitous, but one thing is for sure, selling te reo Māori won’t happen.”

While we don’t usually pick favorites, one talk, in particular, held the room rapt. In the talk **“Indigenous digital platforms,” **Keoni Mahelona from Te Hiku Media tells the story of how to apply cultural intelligence to the ways we manage and look after data and tech.

If you want to know more, check out the WIP kaitiakitanga (guardianship) license on GitHub  and the principles of Māori Data Sovereignty .

#global tech #codemania #intelligence #data #python #machine learning

Codemania 2019: What we learned from global tech leaders
1.30 GEEK