With 5000+ stars and 1500+ forks on GitHub, Robot framework has been a go-to-option for many organizations who are aiming for Agile and Test Driven Development (TDD) where developers should write functional code only when there is a test that has failed. Robot framework allows acceptance testing, behaviour driven testing, Robotic Process Automation (RPA), and Acceptance test-driven development (ATDD).

It offers an extensible keyword driven approach to perform automation testing. The learning curve is simple as you don’t need to have a programming experience to get started with the Robot framework.

Robot framework is written in Python, however, it is not restricted to that. You can implement keywords in Robot framework using Python, Java, JavaScript, Perl, .Net and PHP.

This Robot framework tutorial will help you run your first Selenium testing script with Python. Further, we will look into running automation scripts for more complex scenarios using Robot and Selenium. Selenium would be used to implement automated browser testing using keyword driven testing with Robot in Python.

#selenium python #robot framework #python

Robot Framework with Selenium and Python: All You Need to Know
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