Here’s a few patterns I’ve picked up based on using Docker since 2014. I’ve extracted these from doing a bunch of freelance work.

**Quick Jump: **Example Web Apps Using Docker / Docker Compose | Docker Compose | Your Web App | Dockerfile | Git and Docker Ignore Files | Closing Thoughts

On May 27th, 2021 I gave a live demo for DockerCon 21. It was a 29 minute talk where I covered a bunch of Docker Compose and Dockerfile patterns that I’ve been using and tweaking for years while developing and deploying web applications.

It’s pretty much 1 big live demo where we look at these patterns applied to a multi-service Flask application but I also reference a few other example apps written in different languages using different web frameworks (more on this soon).

**If you prefer video instead of reading, **here’s the video on YouTube with timestamps. This is the director’s cut which has 4 extra minutes of content that had to be cut out from DockerCon due to a lack of time.

This post is a written form of the video. The talk goes into more detail on some topics, but I’ve occasionally expanded on certain topics here in written form because even the director’s cut version was pressed for time at the time I recorded it.

As a disclaimer, these are all personal opinions. I’m not trying to say everything I’m doing is perfect but I will say that all of these things have worked very nicely so far in both development and production for both my personal and client’s projects.

#docker #elixir #flask #javascript #rails

Best Practices Around Production Ready Web Apps with Docker Compose
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