Unit tests ensure that individual parts of your application work as intended, but what about your application as a whole? This is where integration testing comes in.

Flutter driver

If you’ve never done integration testing in Flutter (or anywhere), fear not! Adding integration tests to your app is a straightforward task in Flutter. A very helpful set of articles will guide you.

  1. An introduction to integration testing: What even is this thing, and how do I set it up?
  2. Handle scrolling: How do I handle the common pattern of scrolling to something?

Getting to this point ensures that your app can run without crashing, that certain screens can be reached, that specific actions have some result, and so on. What tests you create depends on your needs. You can have one test that opens every screen of your app, or tests that go through specific user journeys.

But we can go further with flutter_driver by using it for performance testing.

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Integration Testing with flutter_driver
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