Keycloak is a widely adopted Identity and Access Management (IAM for short) open-source solution. 2014 was a big year for groundbreaking technologies as both the Keycloak and Kubernetes projects were initially released a few weeks apart. Unsurprisingly, many Kubernetes end-users are turning to Keycloak as the preferred way to manage access to the secure APIs and services of their platform.

Simply running Keycloak in Kubernetes won’t however make your platform secure. A lot of concerns are left to the user to configure and implement: from exposing the Keycloak API endpoints using TLS and an ingress-controller, to enforcing security policies on specific business endpoints. When solving these problems, we have a bias towards using an API Gateway solution to handle encrypted connections and centralize API management policies instead of re-implementing authentication strategies in every language and application of your microservice architecture.

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Step-by-Step Centralized Authentication for Kubernetes with Keycloak
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