Hello there, if you are aiming for Microsoft Azure Fundamentals certification in 2021 but not sure how to prepare for it then you have come to the right place. Earlier, I have shared the best Azure courses, and today, I am going to share a complete guide to prepare for the AZ-900 certification exam, with links to books, tutorials, guides, whitepapers, and online courses.

Cloud computing skills are in demand and companies are increasingly looking for people who know and worked in public cloud platforms like AWSGCP, and Microsoft Azure.

If you are looking to get started in Cloud Computing, particularly on the Microsoft Azure side then AZ-900** or **Azure Fundamentals certification is probably the best way to start.

You will not only learn about Azure but also learn essential Cloud Computing fundamentals like storage, network, compute, and memory among all things.

You will also learn about things like IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service), PaaS (Platform as a Service) and SaaS (Software as a Service), Sales and Pricing, which are very important for both technical and non-technical IT professionals.

Earlier, I have shared a few tips, courses, and practice tests to pass the AZ-900 or Microsoft Azure Fundamentals exam and today, I’ll talk about how to crack the Microsoft Azure Fundamental certification (AZ-900) in 2021.

But, before that, let’s first understand what is Microsoft Fundamentals or AZ-900 certification exam?

Microsoft has established a certification in Azure’s new role-based certification path, specifically “Microsoft Certified Azure Fundamentals”.

**This exam is intended for people with non-technical training, as well as technical people who wish to test their basic knowledge of Azure cloud services. **To obtain this certification, it is compulsory to pass the AZ-900 exam.

How to Prepare for Microsoft Azure Fundamentals (AZ-900) Cloud Certification

Now that you know What is Microsoft Azure Fundamental certification and why should you get certified for it, it’s time to make a plan to succeed in this prestigious exam.

Here is your step by step guide to crack Microsoft’s new AZ-900 or Azure Fundamentals certification in 2021:

1. Requirements of Microsoft Fundamental Azure AZ-900 Exam

Azure AZ-900 is a light exam compared to many other Microsoft role-based exams. This exam does not require experienced cloud professionals or programming assistants.

If you are an individual involved in buying and selling cloud services, this review will benefit you even if it comes from a non-technical experience.

In addition, this exam will be useful for people who want to validate their basic knowledge of cloud services or solutions. Again, it will be helpful if the exam candidate has general computer knowledge or experience before starting formal preparation for the AZ-900 exam.

Let’s say we want to pursue a career in one of Azure’s key roles, including developer, solution architect, administrator, etc. and you don’t know where to start your journey. Here come this exam and certification.

This exam can confirm your mastery of the Azure basics and make you competent enough to undertake future Azure certification activities. This warranty may reflect the results of the test when other preparations for the Microsoft Azure certification exam are also taken.

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How to Prepare for Microsoft Azure Fundamentals Certification (AZ-900) Exam in 2021
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