Workaround for multi-monitor Discord screensharing


Fix for multi-monitor Discord screensharing


Note: Ubuntu 18.04 and below does not provide v4l2loopback 0.12, if you use older versions of Ubuntu you will need to compile from source


  • Install Deno
  • Run curl -s | sh
  • Open a new terminal and type mon2cam
  • Switch discord webcam

You can also use the AUR package which is a deno bundle and a desktop file

Mon2Cam - Monitor 2 Camera

Mon2Cam [options] [value]

-h,  --help,       Show help
-f,  --framerate,  Set framerate
-d,  --device,     Set device number
-m,  --monitor,    Set monitor number
-r,  --resolution, Set output resolution (W:H)
-vf, --vflip,      Vertically flip the camera
-hf, --hflip,      Horizontally flip the camera
-b,  --border,     Add border when scaling to avoid stretching
-s,  --sound,      Create virtual sink and route sound into it
-v,  --verbose,    Show verbose output

To find out more, visit

0: 1920x1080
1: 1366x768
2: 1366x768
Which monitor?
INFO CTRL + C to stop
INFO The screen will look mirrored for you, not others


Audio routing

There is audio routing built into Mon2Cam, which you can use with the -s flag. It’s interactive, so it’s not hard to use, but keep in mind that it may still have bugs. Also, it probably introduces some latency, however this wasn’t tested and is probably quite tiny. (I haven’t noticed any difference.)

Mon2Cam will try to detect if discord is trying to record, and then switch it’s input to the Mon2Cam combined sink, but you may have to do it manually. You should also disable echo cancellation, because discord will detect most audio as echo.


Download Details:

Author: ShayBox

Source Code:

#deno #nodejs #node #javascript

Workaround for multi-monitor Discord screensharing
21.20 GEEK