What is the most important thing to do after you got your skills to be a data scientist? It has to be to show off your skills. Otherwise, there is no use of your skills. If you want to get a job or freelance or start a start-up, you have to show off your skills to people effectively.

Here are some effective ways to show off the skills and get involved in the data science community.

You should not start all at once. It will be overwhelming.

Start with one or two that you are most comfortable with. Slowly, you will feel like doing more.


This is free and the easiest way to make a profile. Whatever small big projects you have done for practice, make a nice and well-organized GitHub profile with them. Employers ask for a Github profile link in your job application. So it’s almost mandatory for coders to have a Github profile. It took me some time, in the beginning, to know that GitHub profiles can rank in Google. If you search for a certain project or topic on Google, you will see some Github profiles show up in the search results.

Try searching with this “linear regression from scratch in python, GitHub”.

You can have a nice portfolio for free to show off your skills. If you keep posting regularly, your profile will also become popular. Though it will take some time. Probably 7/8 months or a year. But even if your Github profile is not popular, still you will be able to use your Github profile link in your resume.

Social Media

I mostly use Facebook, Twitter, and Linkedin. On Facebook, there are a lot of groups that you can join very easily. You will find many people sharing their ideas, asking for help, and having conversations. I suggest, join some groups that you think are suitable for you and get involved in the conversation. Share your ideas, good articles, courses, videos, or resources that you know are helpful. When you will help others, you will get help back. Here are some Facebook groups that I joined:

Data Science World

Deep Learning and Machine Learning

Python Programming

Beginning Data Science, Analytics, Machine Learning, Data Mining, R, Python

Artificial Intelligence & Deep Learning

There are so many groups like that. Choose the ones you like. The same way, follow the people in the profession on Twitter and connect on Linked In.

I got my first internship through a connection on LinkedIn

I can talk only about these three social media platforms because I use them. If you use other platforms as well, use them for your professional networking.

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How to Show off Your Data Science or Software Engineering Skills Effectively
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