3 New Java Tools to Try in 2021: Quarkus, Eclipse JKube, MicroProfile. Empower your enterprise Java applications and your career with these three tools and frameworks.

Despite the popularity of Python, Go, and Node.js for implementing artificial intelligence and machine learning applications and serverless functions on Kubernetes, Java technologies still play a key role in developing enterprise applications. According to Developer Economics, in Q3 2020, there were 8 million enterprise Java developers worldwide.

Although the programming language has been around for more than 25 years, there are always new trends, tools, and frameworks in the Java world that can empower your applications and your career.

The vast majority of Java frameworks are designed for long-running processes with dynamic behaviors for running mutable application servers such as physical servers and virtual machines. Things have changed since Kubernetes containers were unleashed in 2014. The biggest issue with using Java applications on Kubernetes is with optimizing application performance by decreasing memory footprints, speeding start and response times, and reducing file sizes.

3 New Java Frameworks and Tools to Consider

Java developers are also always looking for easier ways to integrate shiny new open source tools and projects into their Java applications and daily work. This significantly increases development productivity and motivates more enterprises and individual developers to keep using the Java stack.

When trying to meet the expectations listed above for the enterprise Java ecosystem, these three new Java frameworks and tools are worth your attention.

  • Quarkus
  • Eclipse JKube
  • MicroProfile

#java #eclipse #microprofile #kubernates #quarkus #jkube

3 New Java Tools to Try in 2021
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