An enterprise-class infrastructure can enhance the effectiveness of digital twin initiatives and enable innovative applications.

Digital twins give manufacturers new ways to design, monitor, and manage products and facilities. While the basic digital twin concept has been around for over a decade, the recent introduction and wide-scale use of connectivity technologies and services such as Edge Compute, the Internet of Things (IoT), and 5G now make digital twins practical for industrial applications.

However, like the use of any new technology in commercial settings, there are challenges to overcome, use cases to define, best practices to learn, and a need to demonstrate the value of digital twin use to the business. To sort through these and other issues, RTInsights sat down with Todd Edmunds, Director Industrial IoT and Edge Strategy at Dell Technologies.

We explored why there is great interest in digital twins for manufacturing, discussed the enabling technologies, the use cases, obstacles, and how to get started using digital twins.

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Digital Twins in Manufacturing: Uses, Benefits, and Challenges
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