In this video you’ll learn how to Check Confirm Password using HTML CSS & JavaScript. Earlier I have shared a blog on how to check Email Validation using JavaScript. And now I’m going to create a program on how to check Confirm Password using JavaScript.

Confirm password field is necessary to include when creating a password. It is because a password field masks the user’s input. If users mistype their password, they won’t recognize it. The confirm password catches types by prompting users to type their password twice.

In this program (Confirm Password Check), at first, there is a white container on the webpage and inside this container, there is a title, an alert message, two input fields, and a check button. At first, that alert message is not shown but when you enter some characters and click on the check button then the alert message shown according to your two password combination.

If your confirm password match with the first password then there is shown a success message with “Nice! Confirm Password Matched” and if your confirm password doesn’t match with the first password then there is shown an error alert as you can see in the image. If you’re feeling difficult to understand what I am saying. You can watch a full video tutorial on this program (Confirm Password Check).

#html #css #javascript

Confirm Password Check in HTML CSS & JavaScript
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