Javascript is a language that’s understood by the browser. It is used to load dynamic content without refreshing the page.

You need to make your Javascript code more readable in fewer lines of code. We have listed out some of the recommended ways to get more ways to write javascript code:

1. Use Template Literals

Template literals are the strings (variables) that can embed in the expression. Template literals make code much simpler and readable.

For example, we can use template literals in JavaScript as below:

var code = "javascript";
var str = `
  I love ${code}
  I love ${code}

Without template literals, we can write the above example as below:

var code = "javascript";
var str1 = "\n I love " +  code + "\n I love " +  code + "\n";

2. Using Ternary Operator

In programming, you mostly have to encounter logical operations. If you want to perform logic between two statements, the ternary operator is much more readable.

let price= isMember ? '$2.00' : '$10.00'

You can read more about the conditional statement in JavaScript on this page.

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9 Ways to Up Your Code Game With JavaScript
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