I claim that anyone with a math background and a love of baseball has at one time given serious thought whether they could be “the one” to unlock the equations that make Moneyball a reality. I am no different. This is the story behind the inspiration of my mid-career vision quest in search of the holy grail of sports-tech.

June 2017. Frankfurt, Germany. A hot, sweaty, un-airconditioned ballroom with about a 1000 supercomputer guys. I was one of a handful of women (and an engineer, to boot!) in a sea of male PhDs. I felt invisible, alone, and my monumental case of jet lag was not doing me any favors!

#inspiration #sports #startup-life #machine-learning #women-in-tech

The Holy Grail of Sports-Tech: Machine Learning, Moneyball, and Inspiration
1.20 GEEK