Building deep learning models for audio classification is pretty common and you will find numerous blogs and articles that describe how to build the standard audio classification models using Keras.
There are numerous use-cases associated with audio processing and deep learning, but the one that amazed me was audio separation library Spleeter — where they split the given audio into various tracks such as vocal, piano, drums, bass, and accompaniment. I was really baffled at the accuracy with which the library splits the tracks and I would give full credit to the authors for building such an amazing library.
One thing I observed while going through the library’s source code is that they have used Tensorflow’s estimator approach to build the model and not the Keras-based approach. That’s when I was intrigued to learn more about what Estimators are and their benefits.
This blog is to briefly introduce you to estimators, to build an audio classification model using estimators, and to generate TFLite models.

#tensorflow-estimator #heartbeat #audio-classification #tensorflow

TensorFlow Estimators — TFLite and Model Generation
1.50 GEEK