
This is the second part of the blog. To follow along, visit my previous blog to set up AWS S3 — bucket policy, configuration, etc.

This blog has two parts:

Part I — Learn how to set up AWS S3 and manually use it.

Part II — Using Node.js programmatically to perform operations on S3.

What are we building?

In this blog we will see **Node.js implementation **to do the following:

  1. Create bucket on S3 (like a specific unique folder to store our media)
  2. List out all the buckets made by us.
  3. Upload images to the bucket.
  4. List out all the objects(images,videos etc) in the bucket
  5. Delete the bucket.

Set up

mkdir nodejs-s3
cd nodejs-s3
npm init -y

Installing required npm packages

npm i aws-sdk

Create index.js file in current project directory.

#nodejs #programming #javascript #aws #node

Using Node.js + S3 to Create, Delete, List Buckets and Upload, List Objects- Part 2
1.30 GEEK