In this video you will learn exactly how to implement authentication and authorization in you next MERN stack build. We will be looking at concepts like login and register authentication, hashing password and storing them securely, generating JWT and storing it in the frontend. We will see how we can create private routes in ReactJs. Next we will look at how to handle password reset and sending emails to the users using Nodemailer and SendGrid.
0:00:00 Intro & Demo
0:04:08 Project Folder Structure Setup
0:13:22 Initial Routes & Controllers Setup
0:23:02 User Model
0:27:40 Auth Controller Logic Part 1
0:50:04 Custom Error Handling Middleware
1:01:55 Generating JWT and creating protect middleware
1:23:15 Auth Controller Logic Part 2
1:33:13 Setting up emailing
1:55:36 Frontend File Cleanup
1:57:58 Setting Up Routing
2:02:04 Creating Private Route
2:06:15 Finishing Frontend Build
2:43:10 Final Project Demo
GitHub Link for source code:
#mern #javascript