It is time to create our first C## Windows 10 Universal Application for Raspberry Pi 2. You can find LED blinking example in an official documentation, so today we are gonna create weather application. This application will connect to the remote server and get actual weather information based on city and country name, and display this information on a screen.

Prepare your computer

  1. Download Visual Studio 2015 Community Edition RC
  2. Select Custom installation and enable Universal Windows Apps Development Tools and Emulators for Windows Mobile options
  3. Install WindowsDeveloperProgramForIoT.msi you can find it inside Windows 10 IoT Core Insider Preview image files. Download here
  4. Create Blank App (Windows Universal) project
  5. Select ARM platform and Remote Debugging:
  • Enter your Raspberry Pi 2 IP address and don’t use windows authentication.
  • Or go to Project settings -> Debug and set Target device to “Remote Machine”, specify IP address and deselect ‘Use authentication’ box
  1. Open MainPage.xaml and add simple text:
<Grid Background="{ThemeResource ApplicationPageBackgroundThemeBrush}">
    <TextBlock Text="Hello World" 
  1. Press F5 to deploy application to the Raspberry Pi

#raspberry pi #c# #windows 10 #raspberry pi 2 #programming-c #csharp

Create C# Universal Application for Raspberry Pi 2
1.70 GEEK