This article will demonstrate how to create a Node application that will receive SMS Messages with ngrok and Twilio and send contents of the message to an RDS MySQL Database.

Step 1: Set Up an AWS Account and a Twilio Account and Setup Your Environment and RDS Database

Create up an AWS account and a Twilio account.

To set up your environment, you will need Node, Express, and MySQL. If your running Ubuntu and don’t have these installed, use the following script.

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install node -y
sudo apt-get install npm -y
sudo npm install -g express-generator
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install mysql-client-core-5.7 -y
sudo apt-get install unzip

To start your database, go to the AWS RDS tab, and create a free tier MYSQL database.

#aws #javascript #nodejs

Build a Node App to receive text messages with Ngrok and Store
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