This Edureka video on ā€œKubernetes Networkingā€ will give you an introduction to popular DevOps tool - Kubernetes, and will deep dive into Kubernetes Networking concepts.

About the Course
Edurekaā€™s Kubernetes Certification Training introduces you with the advantages provided by containers over the virtual machines.

You will understand why we need an orchestration tool for containers. You will also get to know the boundaries of Kubernetes ā€“ what it does and what is it not supposed to do.

You will also understand the inherent architecture of Kubernetes ā€“ master components, node components and the addons provided by it. The course will start off with learning the basic components of Kubernetes like Node, Pod, Deployment, Services, APIs etc and then teach you to create a local cluster using Ubuntu VMs.

You will also learn to deploy stateful and stateless apps on the cluster. Finally, you will learn, how to expose these app outside of the kubernetes cluster and will also get to know how to scale their apps either manually or using auto scaling. Learn the best security practices that must be followed during this container and cluster orchestration.

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Kubernetes Live - 3 | Kubernetes Networking Tutorial For Beginners
1.40 GEEK