Unit tests are very useful for checking how our app is working.

Otherwise, we run into all kinds of issues later on.

In this article, we’ll look at some best practices we should follow when writing JavaScript unit tests.

Perform End to End Testing Over a Production-Like Environment

We should run our end to end tests over a production-like environment so that we know that our code will probably work in the production environment.

We can create an isolated environment with Docker-compose with one command.

It will create a Dockerized environment with everything we need with one command.

We can also use something like AWS Local to stub AWS services.

Parallelize Test Execution

We should run tests in parallel so that we can run more tests in less time.

There’re extensions for test frameworks like Jest and Mocha that’ll let us run tests in parallel.

Since we’re supposed to keep tests independent of each other, we should be able to do this easily.

We can run tests with multiple processes to speed up feedback time a lot.

Stay Away from Legal Issues

We should check for licenses so that we won’t be violating them.

Otherwise, if someone catches us, then we’ll run into problems.

It’s easy to use things accidentally without looking at the license.

We can use the license-check package to check our code.

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JavaScript Unit Test Best Practices — Test and Automation
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