In this post, we will discuss Ruby vs Python comparison for web development and see their points of similarities, differences, why they are good for web development, and what the future holds for them.

Two of the most popular programming languages-** Ruby **and Python. Both languages possess different philosophies, came around the mid-90s to address various needs in the programming community. They’re both flexible, object-oriented languages, dynamic, and have a lot of different functionalities, required to empower web development.

Both frameworks provide views, controllers, and models to power your web application and an API that offers endpoints to address your needs.

When you are planning your new web development project this_ 2020_, choose a framework that can provide every tool you need. And both Ruby and Python seem to be the perfect answer to these specific web development needs.

However,_ Django _which uses thepython language is rapidly growing in terms of popularity in comparison to Ruby on Rails. Let’s understand both Ruby and Python to find out the best one for web development.

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Ruby Vs Python-Which is Better for Web Development in 2020?
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