Surreal WFL: Effortless Workflow Management in jQuery Applications

Surreal for Webflow

This is a fork of amazing Surreal library, configured for the Webflow no-code environment. For now it is a heavy WIP, so I'll leave the README as it was, and later describe some new features, that I'm planning to add.

🗿 Surreal - Hyper minimalist jQuery alternative

cover (Art by shahabalizadeh)

Why does this exist?

For devs who love ergonomics!

If you agree with any of the following, you may appreciate Surreal:

  • Want to stay close to Vanilla JS.
  • Hate typing document.querySelector over.. and over..
  • Hate typing addEventListener over.. and over..
  • Really wish document.querySelectorAll had Array functions..
  • Really wish this would work in child <script> tags.
  • Enjoyed using jQuery selector syntax.
  • No build step. Dependency-free.
  • Animation, timelines, tweens, without 3rd party libraries
  • Pairs well with htmx
  • Want fewer layers, less complexity. Are aware of the cargo cult. ✈️

✨ What advantages does it bring to the table?

  • 🔗 Call chaining, jQuery style.
  • ⚡️ Locality of Behavior (LoB) Use me() inside <script> to get an element without a unique id.
    • No .class or #id needed!
    • this but better.
  • ♻️ Seamlessly use individual elements and/or arrays of elements.
    • Use any of: me(), any(), HTMLElement, NodeList, Array of HTMLElement
    • Explicitly get one element: me() or many elements: any()
      • me() or any() can chain with any Surreal function.
        • me() can be used directly as a single element (like querySelector())
        • any() can use: for / forEach / filter / map (like querySelectorAll() or $())
  • 🌗 No forced style: class_add is just an alias of classAdd
    • Use camelCase (Javascript) or snake_case (Python, Rust, PHP, Ruby, SQL, CSS).

Do surreal things with Locality of Behavior like:

<label for="file-input" >
  <div class="uploader"></div>
    me().on("dragover", ev => { halt(ev); me(ev).classAdd('.hover'); console.log("Files in drop zone.") })
    me().on("dragleave", ev => { halt(ev); me(ev).classAdd('.hover'); console.log("Files left drop zone.") })
    me().on("drop", ev => { halt(ev); me(ev).classRemove('.hover').classAdd('.loading'); me('#file-input').attribute('files', ev.dataTransfer.files); me('#form').trigger('change') })

👁️ Live Example

Get a taste- see the Showcase! Then view source.

🎁 Installation

Surreal is a dependency-free, browser-oriented javascript library with zero build steps.

Download Surreal and drag surreal.js into a directory of your project. Add <script> to your <head>.

<script src="surreal.js"></script>

🤔 Why choose me() and any() over $() and $$()

  • Fewer needed sanity checks: unlike jQuery where $() returns different things depending on context.
  • Readability. Reads more like English, can be self describing.
  • Convenience of using elements directly instead of an "Array of elements" all the time.

📚️ Inspired by

➡️ Usage Overview

🔍️ DOM Selection

Select one element: me(...)

  • me() The current element.
  • me("body") Gets <body>
  • me(".button") Gets the first <div class="button">...</div>. To get all of them use any()

Select one or more elements (as an array): any(...)

  • any(".button") Gets all matching elements, example: <div class="button">...</div>
  • Optionally convert between arrays of elements and single elements using any(me()), me(any(".something"))

... can be any of:

  • CSS selector: ".button", "#header", "h1", "body > .block"
  • Variables: body, elt, some_element
  • Events: will be used.
  • Surreal selectors: me(),any()
  • start= parameter provides a starting point to select from, default is document.
    • any('button', start='header').classAdd('red')

⚙️ DOM Functions

  • 🔗 Start a chain using me() and any()
    • 🟢 Style A (🔗 Chaining)
      • me().classAdd('red') (⭐ RECOMMENDED STYLE)
        • Alternative, no conveniences: $.me().classAdd('red')
    • 🟠 Style B
      • classAdd(me(), 'red')
        • Alternative, no conveniences: $.classAdd($.me(), 'red')
  • ♻️ All work on single elements or arrays of elements.
  • 🌐 Global conveniences help you write less code.
    • globalsAdd() will automatically warn about any clobbering issues. If you prefer no conveniences, just delete globalsAdd()

See: Quick Start and Reference and No Surreal Needed

🔥 Quick Start

  • Add a class
    • me().classAdd('red')
    • any("button").classAdd('red')
  • Events
    • me().on("click", ev => me(ev).fade_out() )
    • on(any('button'), 'click', ev => { me(ev).styles('color: red') })
  • Run functions over elements.
    • any('button').run(_ => { alert(_) })
  • Styles / CSS
    • me().styles('color: red')
    • me().styles({ 'color':'red', 'background':'blue' })
  • Attributes
    • me().attribute('active', true)


Timeline animations without any libraries.

<div>I change color every second.
    // Locality of Behavior
    me().on("click", async ev => {
      me(ev).styles({ "transition": "background 1s" })
      await sleep(1000)
      me(ev).styles({ "background": "red" })
      await sleep(1000)
      me(ev).styles({ "background": "green" })
      await sleep(1000)
      me(ev).styles({ "background": "blue" })
      await sleep(1000)
      me(ev).styles({ "background": "none" })
      await sleep(1000)
<div>I fade out and remove myself.
    // Keepin it simple! Locality of Behavior.
    me().on("click", ev => { me(ev).fadeOut() })
<div>I change color every second.
  // Run on load.
  (async (el = me())=>{
    me(el).styles({ "transition": "background 1s" })
    await sleep(1000)
    me(el).styles({ "background": "red" })
    await sleep(1000)
    me(el).styles({ "background": "green" })
    await sleep(1000)
    me(el).styles({ "background": "blue" })
    await sleep(1000)
    me(el).styles({ "background": "none" })
    await sleep(1000)
  // Keepin it simple! Globally!
  (async ()=>{

Array methods


👁️ Function Reference

Looking for DOM Selectors?

🧭 Legend

🔗 Chainable off me() and any()

🌐 Global convenience helper.

🏁 Runnable example.

🔌 Built-in Plugin

👁️ At a glance

🔗 run

  • It's forEach but less wordy and works on single elements, too!
  • 🏁 me().run(el => { alert(el) })
  • 🏁 any('button').run(el => { alert(el) })

🔗 remove

  • 🏁 me().remove()
  • 🏁 any('button').remove()

🔗 classAdd or class_add

  • 🏁 me().classAdd('active')
  • Leading . is optional for all class functions, to prevent typical syntax errors with me() and any().
    • me().classAdd('active') and me().classAdd('.active') are equivalent.

🔗 classRemove or class_remove

  • 🏁 me().classRemove('active')

🔗 classToggle or class_toggle

  • 🏁 me().classToggle('active')

🔗 styles

  • 🏁 me().styles('color: red') Add style.
  • 🏁 me().styles({ 'color':'red', 'background':'blue' }) Add multiple styles.
  • 🏁 me().styles({ 'background':null }) Remove style.

🔗 attribute or attributes or attr

  • Get: 🏁 me().attribute('data-x')
    • Get is only for single elements. For many, wrap the call in any(...).run(...) or any(...).forEach(...).
  • Set: 🏁me().attribute('data-x', true)
  • Set multiple: 🏁 me().attribute({ 'data-x':'yes', 'data-y':'no' })
  • Remove: 🏁 me().attribute('data-x', null)
  • Remove multiple: 🏁 me().attribute({ 'data-x': null, 'data-y':null })

🔗 trigger

  • 🏁 me().trigger('hello')
  • Wraps dispatchEvent

🔗 on

  • 🏁 me().on('click', ev => { me(ev).styles('background', 'red') })
  • Wraps addEventListener

🔗 off

  • 🏁 me().remove('click')
  • Wraps removeEventListener

🔗 offAll

  • 🏁 me().offAll()

🌐 sleep

  • 🏁 await sleep(1000, ev => { alert(ev) })
  • async version of setTimeout
  • Wonderful for animation timelines.

🌐 tick

  • 🏁 await tick()
  • await version of rAF / requestAnimationFrame.
  • Animation tick. Waits 1 frame.
  • Great if you need to wait for events to propagate.

🌐 rAF

  • 🏁 rAF(e => { return e })
  • Animation tick. Fires when 1 frame has passed. Alias of requestAnimationFrame
  • Great if you need to wait for events to propagate.

🌐 rIC

  • 🏁 rIC(e => { return e })
  • Great time to compute. Fires function when JS is idle. Alias of requestIdleCallback

🌐 halt

  • 🏁 halt(event)
  • Great to prevent default browser behavior: such as displaying an image vs letting JS handle it.
  • Wrapper for preventDefault

🌐 createElement or create_element

  • 🏁 el_new = createElement("div"); me().prepend(el_new)
  • Alias of document.createElement

🌐 onloadAdd or onload_add

  • 🏁 onloadAdd(_ => { alert("loaded!"); })
  • Execute after the DOM is ready. Similar to jquery ready()
  • Queues functions onto window.onload
  • Why? So you don't overwrite window.onload, also predictable sequential loading!

🔌 Built-in Plugins


Build your own effects with me().styles({...}) then timelining with CSS transitions using await or callbacks. We ship some common effects:

🔗 fadeOut or fade_out

  • Fade out and remove element.
  • Keep element with remove=false.
  • 🏁 me().fadeOut()
  • 🏁 me().fadeOut(ev => { alert("Faded out!") }, 3000) Over 3 seconds then call function.

🔗 fadeIn or fade_in

  • Fade in existing element which has opacity: 0
  • 🏁 me().fadeIn()
  • 🏁 me().fadeIn(ev => { alert("Faded in!") }, 3000) Over 3 seconds then call function.

🔮 No Surreal Needed

More often than not, Vanilla JS is the easiest way!


  • 🌐 console.log() console.warn() console.error()
  • Event logging: 🏁 monitorEvents(me()) See: Chrome Blog

Text / HTML Content

  • 🏁 me().textContent = "hello world"
    • XSS Safe! See: MDN
  • 🏁 me().innerHTML = "<p>hello world</p>"
  • 🏁 me().innerText = "hello world"


  • 🏁 me().children
  • 🏁 me().children.hidden = true

Append / Prepend elements.

  • 🏁 me().prepend(el_new)
  • 🏁 me().appendChild(el_new)
  • 🏁 me().insertBefore(el_new, el.firstChild)
  • 🏁 me().insertAdjacentHTML("beforebegin", el_new)

💎 Conventions & Tips

  • _ = for temporary or unused variables. Keep it short and sweet!
  • e, el, elt = element
  • e, ev, evt = event
  • f, fn = function
  • Developer ergonomics and simplicity wins.
  • Find the layer where the change needs to touch the least places.
  • Animations are done with me().styles(...) with CSS transitions. Use await sleep(...) for timelining.
  • Dropdowns can be done in pure HTML / CSS.

🔌 Extending Surreal

Surreal is tiny enough to be modified for a particular use-case; but there is a system if you prefer to effortlessly merge with new versions.

Add your function to Surreal

var $thing = {
  test(e, name) {
    console.log(`Hello ${name} from ${e}`)
    return e
$ = {...$, ...$thing}

Is your function chainable? Add it to Surreal sugar()

$.sugars['test'] = (name) => { return $.test($._e, name) }

Your function will automatically will be added globally by globalsAdd() If you do not want this (ex: Naming clash), add it to the restricted list in globalsAdd()

Should your function work with both single elements and arrays of elements? Refer to an existing function to see how to make this work.

Make an issue or pull request if you think people would like to use it! If it's useful enough we may want it in the core!

🌘 Future

Download Details:

Author: Purepotential
Source Code: 
License: MIT license


Surreal WFL: Effortless Workflow Management in jQuery Applications
1.55 GEEK