Every programmer knows about GitHub, so apart from that, you should also know which repos can boost your coding and programming knowledge. As being a JS Developer I referred some repos that help me throughout my path. So let’s begin with the best repos out there on GitHub.

  1. JS interview questions
  2. You Don’t Know JS Yet (book series) — 2nd Edition
  3. WTF JS
  4. JS algorithm
  5. JS web security.
  6. Keep your code clean
  7. Project Guidelines
  8. Airbnb JS Style Guide
  9. Fake data generator
  10. Make your code pretty

1. JS interview questions.

Link: https://github.com/h5bp/Front-end-Developer-Interview-Questions

When you’re preparing for an interview, this repo can be very useful. It has mostly all interview questions. You can find hard to easy questions. so before interview, you just need to look once and revise your concepts.

Link: https://github.com/yangshun/front-end-interview-handbook

This repo is also a masterpiece for the one who’s preparing for a competitive interview. as the owner of this repo said “Anybody who wants to land a job at a tech company for a front end role and is looking to make sure they don’t stumble on the basic questions. To be frank, I revise the answers here from time to time as well!

2. You Don’t Know JS Yet (book series) — 2nd Edition

Link: https://github.com/getify/You-Dont-Know-JS

This repo helps to understand a JS better. JS is a very deep language and needs a lot of time + effort to make it easy. so here’s the key repo. It has key concepts that you should learn if you’re a JS dev. It covers all concepts from variable to closure to class/functions.

#javascript #github #programming #developer #web-development

10 Useful GitHub Repos that Every JavaScript Developer Should Know
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