JavaScript loops are a great way to execute a block of code repeatedly. In this tutorial, you will learn about all loops, the and for...of, and how to use each of them. You will also learn about the problem with infinite loops and what to watch out for.

Introduction to JavaScript loops

When you write code, there are times when you want to do something repeatedly. You can this done in many ways. For example, you can write that block of code over and over again. The downside of this approach is that it is neither scalable nor effective. It can also make maintenance a nightmare.

Another option is to put the code you want to execute repeatedly inside functions. Then, you can invoke these functions whenever you want or need. This approach is much better than the first one. It is scalable, effective and also quite easy to maintain. That said, there might be a better, native, option.

This option are JavaScript loops. There are many types of JavaScript loops. All of them do basically the same thing. They help you execute code as many times as you need. All you need is to specify the code you want to execute and how many times it should be executed. Then, just pick one of the available JavaScript loops.

As I mentioned, all JavaScript loops do basically the same thing. They do specific task X times. What is different for some of these loops is the syntax. Some of these loops also use different loop mechanism. This can make some loops a better choice at specific situations. So, let’s take a look at each loop so you know which one to choose.

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JavaScript Loops - All You Need to Know
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