In our last blog, Deploying DAML based Smart Contracts on project:DABL, we deployed our daml application on project:DABL, a blockchain platform by digital asset. We also discussed how DAML provides support on multiple blockchain platforms like hyperledger sawtooth, fabric, Corda etc.

In this blog we will take a step further in our DAML journey and deploy our application on another blockchain platform which is Hyperledger Sawtooth.

Hyperledger Sawtooth

So before jumping to deployment of applications and all the technical stuff, let’s just have a small introduction to sawtooth.

Hyperledger Sawtooth is an open source Blockchain platform founded by the Linux Foundation’s open-source blockchain project, Hyperledger. It is an enterprise-grade distributed ledger and was one of the first projects under the Hyperledger umbrella.

Hyperledger is a home to different distributed ledger frameworks like hyperledger fabric, Indy, and our today’s main focus which is hyperledger sawtooth.

Some Advantages of hyperledger sawtooth are :

  1. Permissioned/Permission less: Sawtooth can be configured to be either permissioned or permission less. By default, Hyperledger Sawtooth is permissioned.
  2. Scaleable: sawtooth can handle large amounts of transactions. Depending on the number of transactions it can be scaled easily.
  3. Multi-Language support: sawtooth allows developing smart contracts in Python, JavaScript, Rust, C++, and Go.
  4. Loose coupling architecture. The blocks within the Sawtooth’s network are not highly dependent on each other, which means that the change that is made to one element would not affect the network as a whole. It offers smart contract abstraction to allow developers to create contract logic in the programming language of their choice.

Now that we know what hyperledger sawtooth is let’s us understand how we can take DAML application and deploy it on sawtooth

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Deploying DAML Smart Contracts on Hyperledger Sawtooth
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