Exciting news! We know that R is one of the most important programming languages for anyone who wants to learn data analysis and data science. That’s why we’ve just launched four new R courses — a complete revamp of the first step in our Data Analyst in R career path!

These four new courses are designed to make it easier for you to start learning R from scratch and help you build a better foundation in R programming.

As with all of our courses, they’re also designed to keep you motivated by getting you working hands-on, writing real code and working with real data from day one.

The four new courses are:

The new courses also introduce new guided projects to help you synthesize your new R skills by building real data analysis projects as you learn.

We’ll help you get a local R environment set up on your machine, and then guide you through projects analyzing COVID-19 trend data and looking at books sales data to glean insights about marketing campaigns and the impact reviews have on sales.

In fact, we’re so excited about these new R programming courses and data analysis projects that we’re doing something we’ve never done before:

Learn R for FREE: July 20-27

Learn r for free

July 20-27: all courses in our R path are free!

Click here to learn more about R Free Week!.

For a full week, every course in our Data Analyst in R path will be free. This includes the four new courses and all of our existing R courses, including courses on SQL, statistics, and probability.

#"data analysis"

Learn R for Data Analysis with Our New R Courses!
1.15 GEEK