Git is a distributed version-control system. In simple words, It is used to manage various open source projects. It’s biggest advantage is that it manages everything from small to very large and complex projects with speed and efficiency. Also, Git is free and open source which acts like a cherry on the cake. Today’s video is a Git Tutorial which will guide you through the basic concepts of Git and GitHub.

The complete process of Git is a bit complex but do not worry we have simplified it for you. We will be teaching you all about Git through a stepwise approach. You can learn Git hassle free and in the most simplistic manner over here. It’s one of the coolest technologies of today’s time and through this Git and GitHub tutorial we will be making it easier for you to start your Git journey. We will also cover various Git commands for each operation. We’ll discuss the complete workflow. We will discuss how to clone the git repository, how to modify or make any changes in files, how to review the changes before commit, how to push the changes to the repository and how to make any correction in the same.

Git also supports distributed and non-linear workflow. The goal of Git is to provide lightning speed and maintain data integrity. Git is free and easy to learn. In today’s tutorial we will be discussing all about Git and GitHub, their basic usage and functionalities. So do watch the complete tutorial till the end without missing a step.

#git #github #programming #developer

Git Tutorial for Beginners | GitHub Tutorial | Git and GitHub Tutorial
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