➢Tutorial Starter Files: https://m.w3newbie.com/d/tutorial-26.zip
➢Bootstrap Website Templates: https://w3newbie.com/template-bundle
➢Bootstrap Courses: https://w3newbie.com/courses/

Create A Responsive Bootstrap Website Tutorial with a Full Screen Landing Page!

0:00 Intro
1:43 Tutorial Starter Files Overview
3:48 Bootstrap Navbar Navigation Menu HTML
11:47 Full Screen Fixed Background Image Landing Page HTML
13:51 Two Column Section HTML
17:22 Four Column Website Section HTML
21:42 Fixed Background Image HTML
22:10 Second Two Column Section HTML
24:00 Website Footer & Social Media Icons HTML
28:06 HTML Document & Body Tag CSS Reset Styling
28:33 Drop Down Navigation Menu CSS
32:28 Fixed Landing Page Image Section CSS
35:30 Added Padding & Image CSS Styling
36:46 Fixed Background Image CSS
38:13 Footer & Social Media Icons CSS
40:26 Responsive CSS Media Queries For Mobile & Tablets

#html #css

Responsive Bootstrap Website Tutorial with Full Screen Landing Page
1.30 GEEK