Web Application Built to Write in Markdown, JSX, and Code Sandbox, using React



1. Providing

This is a place built to serve static blog/demo documents, it could provide:

  • Markdown rendered as document inside react.
  • Github/StackOverflow styled markdown.
  • Syntax highlighting code piece with customized scripts/styles combination.
  • Iframe in-place demo supported, like codesandbox.
  • Customizable story layout (free to use pure react/jsx/tsx code with markdown interspersed inside each story).

2. Convenience

Aiming at the realistic demands, it’s easy to use because:

  • Configs like rank/tags for the stories.
  • Minimum constant definition for new stories.
  • URL access for each story.
  • [WIP] Quick search/filter via the configs.

3. Tech

To achieve the above issues, it’s using:

  • Dynamically imported components (no need to touch index.js anymore when you add a story).
  • Declaratively loaded js script (enable syntax highlight script with react-router-dom).
  • Design/implement using React, Material-UI, Redux, etc.
  • Optimized performance.

4. Others

The current develop TODO items could be seem in here: TODO list

[WIP] Getting Started

Setting to Contribute

Layout sample

Screenshot (793) Screenshot (794)

Download Details:

Author: ibarapascal

Demo: https://ibarapascal.github.io/demo-box/#/

Source Code: https://github.com/ibarapascal/demo-box

#react #reactjs #javascript

Web Application Built to Write in Markdown, JSX, and Code Sandbox, using React
2.90 GEEK