Learn Android Jetpack Development in this 7 hours long course.
Check out Android MK (my latest course so far) here: http://bit.ly/2NeMeMu
Android Jetpack (full course 16h+ with a big discount) will be added on Thursday 18th of Feb

Check out the Complete Android 11 masterclass if you still have to learn a little more about the basics of Android Development.

  • 00:01:10 - What you will learn
  • 00:08:35 - What is Android Jetpack?
  • 00:15:06 - What you will learn in the paid course
  • 00:22:25 - AndroidX
  • 00:26:33 - Android KTX
  • 00:28:52 - Bottom Navigation
  • 00:44:30 - ViewBinding Intro
  • 00:50:57 - Splash Activity
  • 01:01:09 - Animations
  • 01:17:38 - Creating an App Icon
  • 01:21:56 - Adding a Menu
  • 01:36:42 - Layouts Overview
  • 01:48:59 - LinearLayout
  • 02:06:16 - Constraint Layouts chain styles
  • 02:13:18 - ConStraintLayout
  • 02:52:42 - Relative Layout
  • 03:04:15 - FrameLayout Design
  • 03:12:33 - AddUpdateActivity part 1
  • 03:25:44 - AddUpdateActivity part 2
  • 03:42:28 - AddUpdateActivity part 3
  • 03:46:34 - Select Image click event
  • 03:50:31 - Select Image Click event part 2
  • 04:01:12 - Dexter, Permissions, AlertDialogs
  • 04:21:56 - Taking a Foto and assigning it to an ImageView
  • 04:34:35 - Selecting an image from Gallery
  • 04:42:24 - Glide Demo
  • 04:56:25 - Using Glide for Images
  • 05:02:03 - Store Selected Image and get its path
  • 05:17:51 - RecyclerView and Adapter with ViewBinding
  • 05:49:52 - Selecting Elements from our lists
  • 06:05:55 - Setting up the Entity
  • 06:19:01 - Setting up DAO insert
  • 06:25:41 - Setting up the Room Database
  • 06:33:32 - Setting up the Repository
  • 06:38:41 - Setting up the ViewModel as well as the application
  • 06:52:15 - Inserting Data using ViewModel
  • 06:59:47 - Retrieve Data from Room Database
  • 07:12:24 - Displaying the Dishes in a recyclerview grid
  • 07:32:48 - Refactoring the app a little
  • 07:38:40 - Outro

android jetpack navigation bottomnavigationview
android jetpack application

Start android jetpack programming in this android jetpack course.
Learn the android jetpack basics and android jetpack fundamentals.

#mobile-apps #programming #developer

Free Android Jetpack Course - 7+ Hours Tutorial
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