Native application developers put a lot of effort into making engaging and stable apps that are supported on multiple devices. This means that Android developers have to make sure that their apps are supported on hundreds of devices. iOS developers also need to support their apps on a growing number of devices.

React Native enables developers to develop apps that can run both on iOS and Android. The problem is that the number of devices they need to support now is doubled. One particular problem is making the app responsive. There is no such thing as CSS media queries in React Native. React Native developers need to scale all of their layouts to make the app responsive on smartphones, tablets, and other devices.

Problems With Responsive Layout in React Native

React Native developers make their apps work on one-dimensional devices as a default. As a result, the app looks distorted on devices with different dimensions because different devices have different pixel ratios. React Native style properties accept either Density-Independent Pixels (DP) or percentage.

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How to Add Responsive Design to React Native Apps
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