React and TypeScript is 2 excellent technologies made to use by several developers nowadays. Identifying how to do something can be challenging, and sometimes it’s difficult to find a decent answer. However, you don’t have to worry about it as we have come up with the best practices together with examples to illustrate any issues you may have.

Before we start, let’s review how React and  TypeScript function around each other. React is a “JavaScript library  for creating user interfaces” while TypeScript is a “typed JavaScript superset that compiles a plain JavaScript.” By making use of them jointly, we basically create our UIs using a JavaScript typed version.

The purpose of using them together will be to get the advantages of a statically typed language (TypeScript) for your UI. This ensures more security and fewer errors on the front end.

TypeScript with React: The Purpose

TypeScript is a JavaScript superset, so every JavaScript functionality can also be seen in TypeScript. However, TypeScript pushes JavaScript to go one step further by introducing a strong type system that allows code refactoring, navigation, type-checking, and more.


This strong statically typed language is a paradise for React developers from all around the world. In reality, many of the React developers who implement TypeScript claim they can’t possibly imagine how their work is going to look like without it.

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A Complete Guide: How to Use Typescript With React
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