In this full tutorial series will guide Firebase Authentication Web Login with Email, Google, Facebook, OTP Phone.

Source Code :

Login Template :

Firebase Auth Docs :

Firebase Auth Rest API :

Firebase Auth CDN :

1: Firebase Authentication Web Login With Email, Google, Facebook, Phone OTP Complete Tutorial Part 1

Tutorial Cover:

  1. Setup Firebase Project
  2. Setup PHPMyAdmin Database and User
  3. Create Simple Login HTML Template
  4. How Firebase Web Login System Works
  5. Firebase Web Login Tutorial
  6. Firebase Authentication Web Example

2: Firebase Authentication Web Login With Email, Google, Facebook, Phone OTP Complete Tutorial Part 2

Tutorial Cover:

  1. Signup With Email and Password
  2. Send Firebase Email Verification
  3. How Firebase Web Login System Works
  4. Firebase Web Login Tutorial
  5. Firebase Authentication Web Example

3: Firebase Authentication Web Login With Email, Google, Facebook, Phone OTP Complete Tutorial Part 3

Tutorial Cover:

  1. Signin With Email and Password
  2. Save User in Database
  3. PHP MySql Save Data
  4. Use of Firebase Account Look up API
  5. Use of POST Man

4: Firebase Authentication Web Login With Email, Google, Facebook, Phone OTP Complete Tutorial Part 4

Tutorial Cover:

  1. Signin With Email and Password
  2. Verify Login Details to Firebase Server
  3. Save Login in Our Database after Verify User
  4. Store Login Details in PHP Session
  5. Redirect User After Login With Success Message
  6. Convert POST Man Request to CURL Request
  7. Convert POST MAN Request to AJAX Request
  8. Use of Firebase Rest API to Verify User

5: Firebase Authentication Web Login With Email, Google, Facebook, Phone OTP Complete Tutorial Part 5

Tutorial Cover:

  1. Signin With Phone and OTP Using Firebase
  2. Verify Phone Login Using Firebase Rest API
  3. Complete Signup Process for Phone OTP user
  4. Store Phone OTP User Details
  5. Redirect User After Login With Success Message
  6. Use of Firebase Rest API to Verify User
  7. Firebase Web Login With Phone and OTP

6: Firebase Authentication Web Login With Email, Google, Facebook, Phone OTP Complete Tutorial Part 6

Tutorial Cover:

  1. Signin With Google and Facebook
  2. Verify Google Account Using Firebase Rest API
  3. Setup App in Facebook Developers Console
  4. Firebase Login With Facebook in Websites
  5. Firebase Login With Google in Website
  6. Save User Details in Your Own Database

#firebase #web-development

Firebase Authentication Web Login With Email, Google, Facebook, Phone OTP Complete Tutorial
12.40 GEEK