With ever-increasing complexity in distributed systems and growing cloud-native solutions, monitoring and observability become a very important aspect in understanding how the systems are behaving. There is a need for scalable tools that can collect data from all the services and provide the engineers with a unified view of performance, errors, logs, and availability of components. These tools also need to be cost-effective and performant. In this article, we will go through two popular stacks for logging in Kubernetes – EFK (Elasticsearch) and PLG (Loki) and understand their architecture and differences.

What is EFK Stack?

You might have heard of ELK or EFK stack which has been very popular. It is a set of monitoring tools – Elastic search (object store), Logstash or FluentD (log routing and aggregation), and Kibana for visualization.

#observability #kubernetes #monitoring

Logging in Kubernetes: EFK vs PLG Stack
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