Any business that is able to utilize its data effectively has shown great promise to survive diverse conditions and adapt to the growing market – even in the Covid-19 pandemic.

The market always evolves depending on the demands of the end-user or the marketplace’s social and economic status.

To ensure that business can be as flexible and adaptable as possible, they need to use Search-Based Analytics.

Search-Based Analytics changed how business intelligence works. It gave businesses the necessary way to understand their data with the help of dashboards and visualization. In short, it provides the company’s best minds to make data-driven decisions to reach company goals.

However, it is limited to the data that is fed into the system.

And, this is where the smart data comes in!

In this article, we will explore how smart data can improve search-based analytics. But, before we do that, let’s learn what Smart data is.

Smart Data Discovery

As we grow, we produce tons of data. This gives organizations a way to gain a deeper understanding of their business process, customers, and other vital aspects.

Smart data discovery is an approach taken by business intelligence tools to find more meaningful data and connections in less-structured data. By learning about these hidden patterns, the businesses maximize growth and change how they learn about their system.

So, if a user decides to use smart data discovery, he can expect automatic visualization with the help of native language queries and data preparation.

The smart data discovery model looks like below.

  • Collecting large data from diverse sources
  • Apply Smart Data Discovery in addition to analytics capabilities
  • Get proactive insights including complete customer view

I suggest reading Smart Data Discovery – How smart can we become in the future? to gain a much clearer understanding of smart data.

Then, How It Improves Search-Based Analytics?

Right now, companies are gathering information at a very high rate. This leads to the organization’s inability to process and understand them.

To overcome the limitation, smart data discovery needs to be deployed. Also, organizations can deploy both big data approaches and smart data discovery to improve search-based analytics.

As we already know, Search-Based Analytics uses raw data to act as a search engine for your business! But, digesting the data is slow, considering the volume of data presented to the system at any given time. Smart data can ease the problem by filtering out the raw data and then submitting more meaningful data to the search engine.

It is easy to see the change with smart data usage in search-based analytics, specifically in personal reports and monitoring usage as employees can become more independent in their approach.

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How Can Smart Data Improve Search-Based Analytics? - DZone Big Data
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