It’s an exciting time to be a Java developer: there are new Java language features being released every 6 months, new JVM languages like Kotlin, and the shift from traditional monolithic applications to microservices architectures with modern frameworks like Spring Boot. And with Spring Cloud GCP, we’re making it easy for enterprises to modernize existing applications and build cloud-native applications on Google Cloud.

First released two years ago, Spring Cloud GCP allows Spring Boot applications to easily utilize over a dozen Google Cloud services with idiomatic Spring Boot APIs. This means you don’t need to learn a Google Cloud-specific client library, but can still utilize and realize the benefits of the managed services:

  1. If you have an existing Spring Boot application, you can easily migrate to Google Cloud services with little to no code changes.
  2. If you’re writing a new Spring Boot application, you can leverage Google Cloud services with the framework APIs you already know.

Major League Baseball recently started their journey to the cloud with Google Cloud. In addition to modernizing their infrastructure with GKE and Anthos, they are also modernizing with a microservices architecture. Spring Boot is already the standard Java framework within the organization. Spring Cloud GCP allowed MLB to adopt Google Cloud quickly with existing Spring Boot knowledge.

"We use the Spring Cloud GCP to help manage our service account credentials and access to Google Cloud services.” - Joseph Davey, Principal Software Engineer at MLB

Similarly,, an online retailer, was able to develop their Spring Boot applications on GCP more easily with Spring Cloud GCP.

“[] heavily builds on top of Spring Boot, but we only have a limited capacity to build our own modules on top of Spring Boot to integrate our Spring Boot applications with GCP. Spring Cloud GCP has taken that burden from us and makes it a lot easier to provide the integration to Google Cloud Platform.” - Maurice Zeijen, Software Engineer at

Developer productivity, with little to no custom code

With Spring Cloud GCP, you can develop a new app, or migrate an existing app, to adopt a fully managed database, create event-driven applications, add distributed tracing and centralized logging, and retrieve secrets—all with little to no custom code or custom infrastructure to maintain. Let’s look at some of the integrations that Spring Cloud GCP brings to the table.

#google cloud platform #application development

Modernize your Java apps with Spring Cloud GCP
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