In This Javascript Tutorial we will see How To Change DIV Css Class Name In JS Using Netbeans Editor .

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JavaScript Tutorial: Change Div Class Name
            width: 200px;
            height: 200px;
            background-color: #000;
            margin-bottom: 20px;
            width: 200px;
            height: 200px;
            background-color: red;
            margin-bottom: 20px;
            width: 200px;
            height: 200px;
            background-color: green;
            margin-bottom: 20px;
        function func1()
            document.getElementById('cls').className = "class1";
        function func2()
            document.getElementById('cls').className = "class2";

    <div class="DefaultClass" id="cls"></div>
    <button onclick="func1();">Class 1</button>
    <button onclick="func2();">Class 2</button>


#js #javascript

How To Change DIV Class Name In Javascript [ with source code ]
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