We at Syncfusion are very happy to announce the availability of the new  Flutter Linear Gauge widget in the  2021 Volume 1 release. The Flutter Linear Gauge is a vivid data visualization widget that displays data on a linear scale in either horizontal or vertical orientation.

Key features

The key features of the Flutter Linear Gauge widget are:

  1. Set a gauge’s orientation either as vertical or horizontal.
  2. Easily customize all gauge elements.
  3. Mirror the complete widget with just a single property.
  4. Create most common tools like a thermometer or height calculator with minimal lines of code.
  5. Apply smooth animations during interactions.
  6. Swipe and drag gestures are possible with pointers.

Widget anatomy

The new Flutter Linear Gauge widget comes with the following easily customizable elements:

  1. Axis track
  2. Ticks and Labels
  3. Ranges
  4. Bar pointer
  5. Shape marker pointer
  6. Widget marker pointer

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Introducing the New Flutter Linear Gauge Widget
3.65 GEEK